Monday, March 29, 2010

Westec 2010

Most of you know that Westec was last week. You all also know that, for the first time in our company's history, we didn't ask everyone to take off one afternoon and go see it.
There were two reasons:
1) We're just coming out of the worst year in Uptime history and
2) The show just wasn't that good. In fact, the show was so bad that they aren't even having it next year and will be every other year for the foreseeable future.

That is not to say there weren't some useful displays. Travis and Jeff spent time in the "Refresh Your Memory" booth. Their machine monitoring system has great potential. We are now their exclusive reps for Southern California and all show leads for our area were given to us. Please continue to be on the lookout for prospective customers for this exciting new technology. Newer Fanuc controls with FOCAS and Haas controls are especially easy to integrate.

Now for some good news: We had not only a profitable month in March, but also a profitable first quarter. Thanks for all of your efforts. As I mentioned in a recent voice mail, we are still struggling to get paid for what we've done, but things are looking up.
