Friday, July 12, 2013

Printing metal at room temperature

Here's another 3D innovation, sent by Greg Rockwood:

video of liquid metal printing

Windows 8.1 and 3D Printing

Greg Rockwood sent this to me yesterday. Looks like Microsoft wants to be involved in 3D printing too:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

So, here's something else to ponder if you're in the machining business (or its support like we all are). This was brought to Jeff's attention by Fanuc this week. The machine seems to be made up with two hexapods (dodecapod?) I would like to think that we can still find work in the decades to come, even if the traditional 1" end mill or ceramic lathe insert isn't involved. After all, a lathe has two axes, a machining center 3, and this machine has 12: