Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fanuc Servo Tuning, H1N1 Flu

When one has the flu, whether it is seasonal flu 2009 or H1N1 (I went home Thursday with one of these) one has time to catch up on all kinds of reading. If you glance at the document below, you will probably begin to see how much Fanuc has advanced the state of servo performance from the Fanuc 5/6/11 vintage drives we've become accustomed to. 

Have you ever been asked to adjust backlash acceleration? Have you ever considered whether a machine has HRV1, 2 or 3 type servos?

Some of you have been discussing Ball Bar testing with me recently, and this book addresses some of the things that get checked with a Ball Bar test, that couldn't be seen with an indicator and an experienced person. 

We need to keep up, so during these slow times, take some books home.

I hope to be back soon.


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